Beenie’s Ice Cream Named Best in the World by Drew Student Craig Stevenson

Well, it’s official, on March 19, 2024, Beenie’s Ice Cream, the gem of Morristown, has been named “World’s Best Ice Cream”. The title was given by the one and only, Drew Sophomore, Craig Stevenson who, in his long history as an unofficial taste tester, has tried over 4 different Ice Cream places from here to his home state of Nebraska. Beenie’s owner, Tony Franco, gave a brief press conference, “although we were ranking pretty well in the usual New Jersey publications, nothing mattered to us more than earning Craig Stevenson’s vote, because it’s the whole world we’re talking about! We’re excited, to say the least”


Since the announcement, New Jersey Governor, Phil Murphy, has approved a parade for Beenie’s Ice Cream to be held this Saturday, March 30th, in Morristown. The parade will begin at 10:00 AM with a brief speech from Mayor Dougherty. The Mayor will then give the Key to the City to none other than Craig Stevenson for his amazing discovery. “Originally the key was to be given to Mr. Franco. However, Franco said that Craig Stevenson is the true hero for securing Beenie’s place in history. 


According to Nut data, almost 100% of people agree that Beenie’s is the best Ice Cream in the whole world. However, other international ice cream brands have argued that it is not fair for Beenie’s to be given this title. The clearly jealous competitors wrote a joint letter to Craig Stevenson, urging him to reconsider his vote. In response, Craig Stevenson elegantly replied to each request: “Haters gonna hate” 


Starting April 1st, Beenie’s will launch their new rebrand with Craig Stevenson’s face on packaging products and promotional merch, as well as a new “Craig’s Fav” flavor: Root Beer ice cream.

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