Geology Major Finishes Assignment at Frat Party After Procrastinating All Week

We’ve all been there before, procrastinating an assignment to the point where we have to finish it at the party that is happening the same night it’s due. That happened to Geology Major Robert Stanton this past weekend. While Stanton was too busy throwing it back to “Fireball” by Pitbull, he forgot he had homework due that night.

Partygoers are having a nice time kicking it back, relaxing with friends, drinking out of red solo cups, and of course, beer pong. Just a regular night out. Many students quoted, “Bro, I was about to hit my redemption shot when this guy did a cannonball on the table. Like what is dudes problem?” Another stated, “ I’m trying to rizz up these girls, when this guy ran past, screaming he needs rocks, whatever that means.” 

Normally students would just accept the defeat but he was determined to get those rocks in on time, no matter what. He parted the crowd like the Red Sea and rushed to the backyard. He pulled out a pickaxe, from where? Let’s not ask those questions. Dude was a real life whack-a-mole. Sources say, he was more than balls deep.  

Quickly a crowd of drunken students formed around him and started cheering him on. One student posted a video of the event on his Snapchat story with the caption, “I don’t know what bro is looking for but he def gonna find it.” Indeed, he kept digging and digging until he found it, no gold, no silver, just some regular old dirty rocks. “When I finished my assignment I just remember looking up and seeing everyone cheer me on, it’s great to get that kind of support,” Stanton said.

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