Swiftie Flies Private Jet From McLendon To Class In Brothers College

Taylor Swift has been under fire recently for using her private jet like it’s an Uber across town. Swift has taken multiple flights across LA in her private jet and most recently took a 28-mile, 13-minute flight across St. Louis. Although she’s gotten a lot of hate for doing this, she has also received plenty of support from her loyal swifties.


Sarah Nelson, a swiftie here at Drew wanted to show that it is perfectly normal to travel in luxury no matter how long the trip is. The trip in question was from her dorm in Mclendon to her environmental studies class in Brothers College which is usually a grueling 10-minute walk. Thanks to her private jet, the trip took only 32 seconds. 


After arriving at her environmental studies class she was berated by the professor for causing so much pollution to save a couple minutes. Nelson was quick to point out that had she walked to class she might have been late which would be far worse than any alleged damage she has caused to Earth’s fragile ecosystem.


After class ended Nelson took her private jet back to her dorm with a short layover at the EC to grab some Starbucks.

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